Year 11/12 Coordinator Message

Where do I begin?

What a term Term 2 has been. The beginning of the term was filled with uncertainty and adjusting to the “new normal,” with remote learning practices full time. As a teacher and coordinator I was so proud to see how adaptable our VCE students were. They went straight to work with what they had and did their best.

Announcements from the government & VCAA indicated changes to the VCE which have had, and will continue to have, an impact on our students 2020 experience. Once again, our students took this in their stride and carried on with their work.

The return to school for VCE and face-to-face learning was as smooth a transition as possible. Attendance has been great and students seem to be mindful of their personal and social hygiene practices, to ensure peace of mind while on campus.

Student and parent acknowledgement during this term is needed and well deserved. Thank you all for being patient, understanding, flexible and supportive. It has been a challenge but with the adaptability and support of our students and parents, the school has been able to continue to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment.

Ms Inass Fayad